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Local Booking Manager

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Local Booking Manager is the only solution you need to fully run your charter business. All of your data is safely stored on servers and the modern interface of the Local Booking Manager desktop application makes it user friendly and easy to manage

Modern Interface

Local Booking Manager has numerous features and functionalities that allow you to automate all of your daily tasks, work faster and save time and money.

Send quick offers, share real time data with your partners and team members and take your business to the next level.

User Friendly

Local Booking Manager is designed to be very intuitive and provide you with the best possible experience, meaning you are fully independent when it comes to making the adjustments to your fleet data.

With Local Booking Manager you can adjust to the market changes quickly and maximise your profit.

Fast Data

Local Booking Manager desktop application is fast and extremely reliable. All of your data is stored on physical servers that are the safest option.

It allows you to manage bookings and automate your daily tasks efficiently.

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Gorana Bardak

Clients Speak For Themselves

Booking Manager and LogIN are both specialists in charter business area creating herewith a valuable product for charter operators to speed up their work processes and enable them to make their business decisions on time.

Gorana Bardak,
Key Account Manager, LogIN 17 13 25 27
Wendy Linssen

Clients Speak For Themselves

International aspect of the Booking Manager System is an important advantage. In its portfolio one can find many worldwide agents which gives us the opportunity to quickly reach different markets with our yachts.

Wendy Linssen,
CEO, Linssen Boating Holidays 17 13 25 27
Gabor Szor

Clients Speak For Themselves

As a Booking Manager partner since 2010 we have recognized the System as the best possible solution for our business and we are absolutely satisfied with the benefits!

Gabor Szor,
CEO, Candor Charter 17 13 25 27