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Special Offers

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Booking Manager agency portal enables you to quickly find the best deals and book with special discount in real time directly from the system by listing top discounted weeks, short offers and one way charters. This way you will keep your clients satisfied and more likely to book by instantly providing best possible price and offer on the market.

Book with Special Discount

A single click on the 'Discounted Weeks' filter generates a list of available yachts bookable in real time with discounted price. You are able to precisely determine your search by using available filters such as country, sailing area or yacht specification.

Find Short Term Offers

Booking Manager automatically scans booking sheets from hundreds of worldwide fleet operators using the System and displays available short term offers in real time. It enables you to deliver your client the best non standard charter arrangements by just a few mouse clicks.

Automate One Way Search

One Way Charter search saves you a lot of time by automatically providing a list of all available one way charter weeks, without need to contact charter providers individually. It allows you to easily find a one way charter week without additonal charge and increase your chances of booking.
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Joachim Jensen Thorrud

Clients Speak For Themselves

Online booking feature makes everything so much easier for the customers, they can do everything themselves!

Joachim Jensen Thorrud,
Owner, Nautic Norway 16 21 6 27
Katarina Vujević Babara

Clients Speak For Themselves

Thanks to the Booking Manager it is possible for us to send automatic quick price offers, options and booking confirmations with a single click. That made us fast and accessible booking department.

Katarina Vujević Babara,
CEO, Euronautic 16 21 6 27
Marek Stryjecki

Clients Speak For Themselves

Thanks to the promptness and simplicity of Booking Manager features, our job have become so much easier. We are now able to react among first to each client enquiry. It gives us an advantage over the other agencies which increases our chance to win a booking.

Marek Stryjecki,
CEO, Odisej Yachting 16 21 6 27