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Golden Partnership for Agents

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Booking Manager Golden Partnership is an exclusive loyalty agreement for Agencies that wish to reach the full potential of the system, increase their profits and reservation security. To benefit from closer relationship, become Golden Partner and protect your business!

Golden Partner Booking Manager

Booking Payment Security

The new Golden Partnership Program for our trusted Agents allows you to enjoy many benefits most notably financial booking safety.

This Exclusive Guarantee verifies your company as a reliable partner, provides you with additional marketing promotion and greater visibility on the market that results in fleet operators being more confident to work with you. Additionally, financial safety for all the bookings made trough the system will significantly increase the security for your business and your clients.

David Baxter

Clients Speak For Themselves

We have already noticed enquiries coming in from new sources and as the system is linked to our new website it is much easier for potential clients to find a good overall picture of our fleet and sailing areas.

David Baxter,
General Manager, Yildiz Yachting 14 27 21 27
Marek Stryjecki

Clients Speak For Themselves

Thanks to the promptness and simplicity of Booking Manager features, our job have become so much easier. We are now able to react among first to each client enquiry. It gives us an advantage over the other agencies which increases our chance to win a booking.

Marek Stryjecki,
CEO, Odisej Yachting 14 27 21 27
Tonka Ugrinić

Clients Speak For Themselves

By using Booking Manager we have increased the number of bookings, cut down the office expenses and sped up the whole booking process. We simply would not be one of the best if we weren't using it!

Tonka Ugrinić,
Sales Manager, Angelina Yachtcharter 14 27 21 27