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Argos Yachtcharter & Touristik

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Argos Yachtcharter & Touristik
Argos Yachtcharter & Touristik

Traditional Family Business Structure

Argos Yachtcharter is a family run charter agency founded in 1979 by Dipl. ing. Cengiz Inceören as a side business and since then has grown into a one of the market-leaders in Germany, with its head office in the city of Wiesbaden. Their business is based on the traditional and individual approach to every client that contacts them.

Argos devotes enough time to find the boat that exactly fits all their clients requests and needs. As co-founder of one of the oldest charter companies in Turkey, Argos does not only have experience in Agency business but also understands the operational side of the charter business very well. The growing Argos team has a total of 9 full time and several part-time employees.

Their business is built on clients trust and friendly relations, including lots of talk, meetings and getting the idea of a real clients need. They prepare an individual offer to each of their clients and prefer to meet them in person. That is one of the reasons why Argos team is still exhibiting on many boat shows all around Germany which are still popular with experienced sailors.

Saving Clients' Time and Money

Despite their traditional way of work, showing real-time pricing and availability on Argos website has become of great importance. With the help of  Booking Manager, Argos has taken their business to a higher level and is offering a real-time availability directly on their website, effectively leaving them more time for actual client consultation, while achieving steady growth rates.

By using Booking Manager data web service, Argos Yachtcharter offers all related information about the boats to their clients automatically. Clients can see real-time availability of different types of boats from all over the world, check their pictures, equipment as well as all special offers currently valid such as short term, one way and last minute offers.

Saving time and money Argos at the same time increases their overall productivity and becomes more competitive on the market. Each website visitor can easily find the best offer for themselves from the broad spectrum of the offered boats and plan ahead their expenses for the upcoming charter which speeds up the entire booking process.

Automating the Business

For the future, Argos plans to integrate Booking Manager data web service into their own CRM software, as well as automate option tracking and exchanging customer documents. They will have an easy overview of all their clients, their bookings, and payments which will result in huge increase of their revenue.

Argos team will no longer need to spend unnecessary time checking prices of different operators, their availability boat by boat and week by week manually as Booking Manager helps them speed up the whole booking procedure giving them input into its database. As Booking Manager is the only global reservation system that provides real-time availability of the special offers such as one way and short term offers, Argos becomes even more competitive on the market and further justifies its place of one of the Europe's leading charter agencies.

Check more about Argos Yachtcharter here.